
Chinese name: Jia Ben Er Yi Qing Suan Zhi

English name: tolnlene diisocyanate

Trademark: “Flying Lion” brand

Hazard category: Toxic and hazardous products of Category 6.1

Specification: 2.4-TDI/2.6-TDI, 80/20

Implemented standard: Q/DHJ.02.02-1999

Production scale: 30,000-tons per year (Cangzhou Dahua TDI Co. Ltd.)

50,000-tons per year (Juhai Branch of Cangzhou Dahua Co. Ltd.) 

Usage: Used for urethane foam, elastomer, paint, and binder.

Producers: Cangzhou Dahua TDI Co. Ltd. and Juhai Branch of Cangzhou Dahua Co. Ltd.

Address: Cangzhou Dahua TDI Co. Ltd., Eastern Suburbs, Cangzhou, Hebei Province

Tel: 0317-3557641 Fax: 0317-3557691 Zip code: 061000

Juhai Branch of Cangzhou Dahua Co. Ltd. Northern Side, Junyan Road, Lingang Chemical Industry Park, Cangzhou

Tel: 0317—5266412

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